Kōcha (紅茶 - Black Tea)

Dec 5, 2017 09:53
I'm drinking "kōcha" (紅茶) right now.

The "kō" (紅) means "red" and the "cha" (茶) means "tea," so the literal meaning of "kōcha" is "red tea."

The etymology is very simple -- the "red" in "red tea" describes the color of the liquid.

In English, it is called just "tea" in most cases, but it's also called "black tea" due to the color of the oxidized leaves.
(I also heard that "black tea" implies tea without milk, sugar or lemon.)

Incidentally, in the UK famous for tea, around 98% of tea is drank with milk.


「紅」は "red," 「茶」は "tea" を意味するので、「紅茶」の文字通りの意味は "red tea" となります。


英語では単に "tea" と呼ばれることが最も多いようですが、茶葉の色が黒であることから "black tea" とも呼ばれています。
("Black tea" はミルクやレモン、砂糖など何も入れない紅茶を意味するとも聞きました。)

No. 1 Mac's correction
  • I'm drinking "kōcha" (紅茶) right now.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The "kō" (紅) means "red" and the "cha" (茶) means "tea," so the literal meaning of "kōcha" is "red tea."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The etymology is very simple -- the "red" in "red tea" describes the color of the liquid.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In English, it is called just "tea" in most cases, but it's also called "black tea" due to the color of the oxidized leaves.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, in the UK famous for tea, around 98% of tea is drank with milk.
  • Incidentally, in the UK, which is famous for tea, around 98% of tea is drank with milk.
Thank you so much for the correction! :)
No. 2 Fifi's correction
  • In English, it is called just "tea" in most cases, but it's also called "black tea" due to the color of the oxidized leaves.
  • In English, it is called just "tea" in most cases, but it's also called "black tea" due to the color of the oxidized leaves.
     We call it English tea in my house.
  • Incidentally, in the UK famous for tea, around 98% of tea is drank with milk.
  • Incidentally, in the UK, famous for tea, around 98% of tea is drunk with milk.
Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)